Vendor Registration

Contact Details
Type of Products

Vendor hereby agrees to rent sales space for the 2025 Culver City Car Show. Select your required booth size, followed by the cost of the space:

Additional Information

Check below if requesting electrical service (limited space 110v only). There is a $25 additional charge for electrical service. Electricity is not available for food trucks.

Terms and requirements


Confirmation of your reservation and arrival/set up directions will be emailed to you at the address you listed above. All vendor confirmations will be at the discretion of the Culver City Car Show. Your check must accompany your application.


1. Vendor is responsible for administration of California Sales Tax and will be required to have available for inspection by the City of Culver City a copy of its Sellers Permit and Business Tax License. A temporary Culver City One Day Business License for the event will be obtained for each vendor by the Culver City Car Show.

2. Vendor will be pre-designated one (1) location by the Show for the duration of the 2025 Culver City Car Show. All pre-designated locations are not final and are subject to change at the discretion of Show Staff. Vendor sales must take place during the specified time and in the final assigned location for the event. Vendor is required to staff the booth at all times while selling.

3. Each Vendor must supply own tent, tables and chairs. Ground surface is asphalt. Please bring sandbags or weights to secure tents. Lights, decorations, sidewalls, etc. are the sole responsibility of Vendor and must adhere to all regulations as provided by Show Staff. All sidewalls must be approved by Show Staff.
Vendor shall not conduct business in any manner which blocks access to designated walkways and fire lanes. Do not limit handicapped access. Vendor agrees to leave its area in the same condition it was in when it arrived on-site.

4. Food Vendors participating in the 2025 Culver City Car Show will be required to obtain a Los Angeles County Department of Environmental Health Permit valid on Saturday, May 10, 2025 which can be obtained from the :
Victor Abdelmalak, REHS
Bureau of District surveillance and enforcement
West Jurisdiction
6101 W. Centinela Ave. # 300
Culver City CA 90230
Office (310)410-3400  
Fax (310)348-1037

This applies to distribution of any beverages or food, even free water or candy. NO EXCEPTIONS! Each Food Vendor must provide the Culver City Car Show with a copy of its Health Permit before setting up its booth.

5. Vendor should plan on arriving between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM. Vendors must arrive on-site no later than 6:00 a.m. to begin setting up its booth space. Vendor must be unloaded and place all vehicles in Vendor Parking area by 6:30 a.m.. Vendor must be set up with a full booth display and ready to conduct business by no later than 9:00 a.m. Food Vendors must be ready for health inspection by 9:00 a.m. Food Vendors must comply and pass any health inspection conducted or they will be asked to leave the event location immediately and will not be allowed to continue business for the duration of the Show, if applicable. Vendor will be expected to be open for business from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Vendor must pack up and leave the Show area no later than 5:00 p.m.

6. It is the goal of the Culver City Car Show to avoid having multiple vendors selling the same/similar items in the same area. Therefore, Vendor must adhere to selling only the item(s) designated in this application and approved by Show Staff. Should Vendor straying from selling the agreed-upon item(s), Vendor will be asked to leave the event immediately.

7. Vendor must follow all instructions of Show Staff regarding placement and parking of Vendor vehicles. Vehicles not in compliance may be ticketed or towed. The Culver City Car Show is not responsible for validation or reimbursement of parking fees, tickets, towing, or damages to personal property or vehicles. Vendor Parking is available in designated spots on surrounding streets and lots.

8. CANCELLATION POLICY: The 2025 Culver City Car Show will take place rain or shine, unless Vendor is otherwise notified by Show Staff. However, the decision to remain open does not apply in situations considered to be Acts of God (hurricane, tornado, flood, etc.). In the event that Vendor is not on-site preparing its set-up at the times stated in section 8, above, without prior approval by Show Staff, Vendor may be fined $100 and will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

9. Vendors of goods and services shall be required, during any period when they or their agents or employees are present at the event, to adhere to a standard of conduct. Acts, including verbal acts or conduct, that constitute harassment of any person by reason of such person’s race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, martial status or national origin will not be tolerated and any vendors, agents or employees will be removed from the event if such acts or conduct take place.

10. Vendor must comply with all city, county, state and federal laws and regulations.

11. Sales which interfere with the normal conduct of business of the City of Culver City are prohibited. Vendor is to remain at its booth while selling. If a vendor aggressively solicits (i.e., sells away from its booth, walks up to individuals, shouts from its booth, throws items at individuals passing by, etc.), Vendor will be asked to leave the event immediately. The Show Staff reserves the right to regulate the time, manner and place of all sales.

12. INSURANCE & INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: We recommend that all Vendors, especially food vendors, have their own Liability Insurance for the Car Show. If you have Liability Insurance, please get a Certificate of Insurance naming “City of Culver City and the Exchange Club of Culver City” as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of the 2025 Culver City Car Show on Saturday, May 10, 2025, from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.” A copy of Vendor’s said additional endorsement shall be provided to the Car Show by no later than May 9, 2025.
If you need a one day insurance policy for the event, please contact our insurance agent to obtain a low cost, one day policy.
Beach Coast Insurance & Financial Services
Christopher K. Licata Agency Owner
215 Pier Ave Suite D
Hermosa Beach CA 90254
310-318-1555 Fax 310-318-1550
Ca Lic# OB63275
Vendor agrees that except as to sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City of Culver City, any event sponsor or the Exchange Club of Culver City, Vendor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, all event sponsors and the Exchange Club, and their officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liability, expense or cost, including attorneys’ fees, which arise out of or which in any way are connected with the Vendor’s temporary business exhibit/ booth during the Car Show, not withstanding that the City, an event sponsor or the Exchange Club may have benefited from Vendor’s temporary exhibit/booth. This indemnification provision shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent misconduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Vendor or of Vendor’s employees, subcontractors or agents.

City of Culver City and the Culver City Car Show require Vendors to instruct its agents and employees concerning the requirements of this Vendor Agreement and to take action, including disciplinary actions, to correct any violation thereof.

NOTE: If for any reason the contact information Vendor has given is invalid and Show Staff cannot contact Vendor, Show Staff has the right to cancel Vendor’s reservation or to instruct Vendor to leave the event immediately.

Questions? Call 310-649-2123. Email: